My Projects

Resume Roaster

An AI-powered tool that analyzes resumes and provides constructive feedback to help job seekers improve their resumes.

Python Flask NLP Machine Learning
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Google Universal Keyword Targeting Recommender Engine

Developed an ML system for keyword performance analysis and optimization, significantly improving campaign ROI and targeting efficiency across major platforms.

Python Machine Learning NLP XGBoost Bayesian Optimization
  • Improved campaign ROI by 8% through advanced keyword performance analysis and optimization
  • Implemented data collection from multiple sources and keyword filtering using NLP techniques
  • Built end-to-end ML pipeline including ETL, EDA, and model deployment with XGBoost and Bayesian optimization
  • Integrated safeguards and sanity checks, ensuring 99.9% recommendation reliability
  • Leveraged BERT and FastText models for keyword clustering, enhancing targeting strategies
  • Developed XGBoost regression model for keyword performance prediction, achieving a test normalized RMSE of 0.045
  • Utilized GPT models to generate contextually relevant targeting expansions, increasing new keyword suggestions by 80%
  • Created Streamlit dashboard for ML model insights, boosting team productivity

Completed as Data Scientist at (Dec 2023 - July 2024)

CXO Dashboard & BRM Automation

Developed comprehensive data analytics solutions, including automated dashboards and ETL pipelines, significantly improving decision-making processes and operational efficiency.

SQL Tableau Python Airflow PostgreSQL
  • Streamlined dataflow and automated metrics calculation, saving 300 hours monthly across departments
  • Developed Tableau dashboards with daily refresh rates, improving executive decision-making speed by 50%
  • Implemented robust data collection and cleaning processes using Python DAGs and PostgreSQL
  • Leveraged data insights to guide product roadmap, resulting in 20% increase in user engagement
  • Developed Tableau and Data Studio dashboards, reducing manual reporting time by 70%
  • Implemented automated data retrieval system using Python and Airflow, improving data freshness by 24 hours

Completed at LeadSchool (Jan 2022 - Apr 2022)

Personal Portfolio Website

Designed and developed a personal portfolio website from scratch, showcasing projects and skills while implementing modern web technologies and analytics.

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Flask Python Google Analytics
  • Developed a responsive and user-friendly portfolio website from scratch using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
  • Implemented a backend using Flask framework in Python to handle dynamic content and form submissions
  • Designed and implemented custom project showcases with interactive elements
  • Integrated Google Analytics for comprehensive user tracking and website performance analysis
  • Optimized website performance for fast loading times and smooth user experience
  • Implemented SEO best practices to improve visibility in search engine results
  • Deployed the website to a live server, ensuring high availability and performance
  • Continuously update and maintain the website with new projects and skills

Ongoing personal project - View Live Site